Watch a volcano erupt. Get a seat on the 4 train at rush hour. Win a professional basketball championship.
There are a few things you just can’t do in New York City these days.
Curling is not one of those things. Like a hawk making its nest on the roof of a luxury condo, our plucky sport finds a way to thrive in a hostile environment.
Currently, there is one curling club operating anywhere in the city: Brooklyn Lakeside Curling Club. Playing on semi-exposed arena ice at the LeFrak Center at Lakeside in Prospect Park, the club attracts curlers from across the borough. The Lakeside club was founded in 2013 by suburban curlers to establish a beachhead for the sport. It transitioned to completely local management in 2018 under former club President Charles Donefer, who is a co-founder of Brooklyn Curling Center (BKCC). Currently, local volunteers conduct all club activities.
The club has ice time at Lakeside twice a week, during which it hosts leagues and Try Curling clinics. Lakeside’s leagues have been at capacity for years, and Try Curling spots get snapped up quickly. At over 120 members with little room to grow, the club demonstrates both the appeal of curling when offered in a convenient city location and the limits of using existing facilities.